Ann Weil writes at her home on the corner of Stratford and Avon in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and on a deck boat at Snipe’s Point Sandbar off Key West, Florida. She earned her doctorate at the University of Michigan and is a former special education teacher and professor. Her work has been nominated for Best of the Net and appears in Crab Creek Review, 3Elements Review, Whale Road Review, Shooter Literary Magazine, DMQ Review, and elsewhere. Her first chapbook, Lifecycle of a Beautiful Woman, will be published in April, 2023 by Yellow Arrow Publishing. Read more of Ann’s poetry at annweilpoetry.com.
Ann Weil writes at her home on the corner of Stratford and Avon in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and on a deck boat at Snipe’s Point Sandbar off Key West, Florida. She earned her doctorate at the University of Michigan and is a former special education teacher and professor. Her work has been nominated for Best of the Net and appears in Crab Creek Review, 3Elements Review, Whale Road Review, Shooter Literary Magazine, DMQ Review, and elsewhere. Her first chapbook, Lifecycle of a Beautiful Woman, will be published in April, 2023 by Yellow Arrow Publishing. Read more of Ann’s poetry at annweilpoetry.com.