Jarnal will begin accepting submissions for Issue 4 on April 1, 2025!

Jarnal is a literary journal publishing poetry, short fiction, creative nonfiction, and cross-genre work. We exist to amplify the voices of exceptionally talented writers, both emerging and established. We’re excited by work that observes the rules of traditional literature, and equally intrigued by authors who write outside the lines.

Poetry or prose, classical or quirky - we’re looking for work that makes us feel deeply and think differently. We’re hungry for fresh language, resonant images, and compelling narrative. Send us your stuff!

Submission Guidelines

  • Please send your work to us through Submittable. Submissions sent via email will not be considered. Include a third-person biographical statement of no more than 100 words that includes your name as you’d like it to appear in print should your work be accepted. Do not include any identifying information in the body of your document.

  • We are particularly interested in work by people historically underrepresented in literary publishing: BIPOC, disabled, gender-nonconforming, LGBTQIA+, women, and authors from other marginalized communities are welcome here.

  • We gladly accept simultaneous submissions. Please withdraw your work immediately if a piece you’ve offered us is accepted elsewhere.

  • We do not accept writing generated by or with the use of AI.

  • No manuscript edits or revisions will be considered during the reading period.

  • We do not accept translations or previously published work (this includes publication on blogs, social media platforms, and personal websites).

  • If your work is selected for inclusion in a Jarnal issue, please wait two years from your publication date before submitting to us again.

  • If your work is accepted, you agree to give Jarnal First Electronic Rights and Archival Rights. If you choose to republish your work in the future, please acknowledge Jarnal as its place of initial publication.

Genre-Specific Guidelines


  • Submit up to three poems, set in a 10 – 12 point standard typeface (Times New Roman, Arial, etc.) and formatted as a single .doc or .docx document.

  • Begin each poem on a new page and remember to clearly indicate stanza breaks if a poem extends beyond one page.

  • Poems should be formatted in the way you’d like them to appear on the page.


  • Submit one piece between 1,000 and 5,000 words.

  • Set your work in a double-spaced, 10-12 point standard typeface (Times New Roman, Arial, etc.) and submit as a.doc or .docx document.

We strive to make decisions on all submissions within 90 days; however, response times may sometimes take a little longer. If you haven't heard from us after 120 days, please feel free to reach out and inquire about the status of your submitted work.

Jarnal Masthead

Steph Sundermann-Zinger | Editor-in-Chief

Breasia Boyd | Managing Editor

Carla Barger | Poetry Editor

Heather Rounds | Prose Editor

Natalie Sibiski | Copyeditor, Reader

Ed Doyle-Gillespie | Reader

Taylor Lynn | Reader

Kavitha Nallathambi | Reader

Sophie Shippe | Reader

Kayla Wittman | Reader

Past Issues