...and Other Disasters
...and Other Disasters
"Imagine this collection of stories by Malka Older as a diary from the future, filled with powerful stories of last days, and the first days after that. Imagine the dreams of robots, of people utterly divided from themselves, of nations and worlds changing drastically. There are surprises along the way: a story in pieces, stories in poems. And always, there is love: for the planet, for family, for the future and the past.”
—Nebula-winning, Hugo and World Fantasy Finalist, Fran Wilde, author of The Bone Universe trilogy, and Riverland
…and Other Disasters, the smart and moving collection of short fiction and poetry from acclaimed author Malka Older, examines otherness, identity and compassion across a spectrum of possible existence. In stories about an AI built for empathy, a corps of fighting midwives traveling to a new planet, and a young anthropologist who returns to study the cultures of a dying Earth, Older's characters grapple with what it means to belong and be othered, to cling to the past and face the future, all while navigating a precarious world, riddled with natural and man-made disasters.
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Publication Date: 11/21/2019
ISBN: 978-0-9961037-8-7
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 201
Weight: 10 oz.