Tyrese L. Coleman is a writer, wife, mother, attorney, and writing instructor. She is also the reviews editor at SmokeLong Quarterly, an online journal dedicated to flash fiction. An essayist and fiction writer, her prose has appeared in several publications, including Catapult, Buzzfeed, Literary Hub, The Rumpus, and the Kenyon Review. Her essay "How to Mourn" is listed as a Notable Essay in Best American Essays 2018. She is an alumni of the Writing Program at Johns Hopkins University and a Kimbilio Fiction Fellow. She can be reached at tyresecoleman.com or on twitter @tylachelleco.
How to Sit is available now from Mason Jar Press.
Tyrese L. Coleman is a writer, wife, mother, attorney, and writing instructor. She is also the reviews editor at SmokeLong Quarterly, an online journal dedicated to flash fiction. An essayist and fiction writer, her prose has appeared in several publications, including Catapult, Buzzfeed, Literary Hub, The Rumpus, and the Kenyon Review. Her essay "How to Mourn" is listed as a Notable Essay in Best American Essays 2018. She is an alumni of the Writing Program at Johns Hopkins University and a Kimbilio Fiction Fellow. She can be reached at tyresecoleman.com or on twitter @tylachelleco.
How to Sit is available now from Mason Jar Press.