Zach VandeZande is a lapsed Texan living in Washington, DC with a partner and a dog. He is the author of Apathy and Paying Rent (Loose Teeth Press, 2008) and Liminal Domestic: Stories (Gold Wake Press, 2019), and his work has appeared in Ninth Letter, Split Lip, Georgia Review, DIAGRAM, and other journals. He got his PhD at the University of North Texas, where he also learned the value of hammocks and baking bread. He knows all the dogs in his neighborhood.
Zach VandeZande is a lapsed Texan living in Washington, DC with a partner and a dog. He is the author of Apathy and Paying Rent (Loose Teeth Press, 2008) and Liminal Domestic: Stories (Gold Wake Press, 2019), and his work has appeared in Ninth Letter, Split Lip, Georgia Review, DIAGRAM, and other journals. He got his PhD at the University of North Texas, where he also learned the value of hammocks and baking bread. He knows all the dogs in his neighborhood.